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Saturday, May 28, 2011

LEGO contest!

Wow! blow the trumpets, spread the red carpet! finally, a LEGO contest! You should be waiting for This (or not).

Well, let's get to it: to participate, you must answer the following question: "What the weirdest thing you would do to earn more legos?"
Say your name and send to "drocablogs@hotmail.com"until 2/06/11.
The winner will have his name published on the blog and have the right to choose the theme of the next three posts that will be posted on my blog.
I know that this is not much but with my current stock of LEGOS I can not give a big prize.
But in the next contest, if I have a reasonable amount of LEGOS, maybe I'll put up some prize like LEGOS.

Warning: the emails sent must be in English

Goodbye and good luck!

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