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Sunday, July 10, 2011

LEGO interactive adventure - end

this time, the scientist had no luck.
He crawled into the bag, but failed and died.
But fortunately it was all a nightmare he was having!
Then, enjoy the pictures!

Now, a version in which his room is dark:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

LEGO interactive adventure part 3

this time, the scientist interactive adventure had a sad experience.
Unfortunately, the chest was home to wild beasts and golden things he could see werenests, and he was bitten and is delirious. he left his backpack a little behind, but inside ithas a cure for bites. Now he has to crawl to his bag to take your medicine. Can he?
315 views - he fails and die
325 views - he gets and is cured
335 views - he gets, is healed and finds a water fountain
you have until 10/07/11 to indicate the blog and then save the life of the scientist!
good luck!

Monday, July 4, 2011

LEGO interactive adventure part 2

Hello again!
I was afraid that the visits to the blog were not more than 270, but voila!
Well, you have worked hard indicating the blog to your friends, then it's my time to reciprocate!
Here, the scientist entered the cave and found a chest, and he could see some golden stuff in it!
Now it is up to YOU ​​to decide what will happen to him now! (but remember, not everything that glitters is gold!)

If until 07/07/11 the blog had 300 views, he will open the chest.
if it had 315, he will ignore the chest and walks away.
if it had 330 or more, he will pick up the chest and bury it so he can get it back again

Friday, July 1, 2011

LEGO interactive adventure

Hello! This time I decided to change the posts a little, so I set up an interactive adventure in LEGO, like the video in the last post.
So, I'll explain how it works:
At that time, the blog had 234 views, then we will use these views as points. For example: this image is a scientist observing a meteor shower in a field, but he has gone too far and found an abandoned cave.
Then if until the July, 4th the blog had 250 views (points) the scientist will give up and leave the cave.
If the blog had 270 views, he will enter in the cave.
If the blog had 290 views, he will call a friend and enter the cave with him.
That's it. You have three days to indicate the blog to your friends, if you want the adventure to continue. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

LEGO videos

hello guys!
This time I made ​​no LEGO creation, but I'll give you a recommendation:
visit the MlCHAELHlCKOXFilms' video channel
visit at: http://www.youtube.com/user/MlCHAELHlCKOXFilms
watch some videos below:


LEGO step-by-step- Weapons

Hello! today I did a more LEGO step-by-step.
this time, I did about guns, and here I'll give some hints for you. Well,that's it, see below how to do it.

you will need a glass of wine


and a cup

add the glass and glass of wine and put a little piece of the same color of the glass of wine at the end.

you can do it in different colors too

now you have an alien weapon!

LEGO bazooka
you will need these two little pieces here

gather them together

now you have a bazooka!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

LEGO road

As you can see, I didn't make the cardinal sin of pride, for two reasons:
1-because I do not think that pride is a deadly sin,
2-because I was out of ideas for the same pride.
then I put the image of workers building a road. There is not much, butI'm busy today, so I'll just post it. Enjoy!