this time, the scientist had no luck.
He crawled into the bag, but failed and died.
But fortunately it was all a nightmare he was having!
Then, enjoy the pictures!
Hello! this time, thescientistinteractive adventurehadasad experience. Unfortunately,the chestwashome towild beasts andgoldenthingshecould see werenests,and hewas bittenand isdelirious.he left hisbackpackalittle behind, butinside ithas a curefor bites.Nowhe has tocrawl tohis bagto takeyour medicine.Can he? 315views - he fails and die 325views -he getsand is cured 335views -he gets,is healed andfindsawater fountain youhave until10/07/11to indicate theblogand then save thelife of the scientist! good luck!
Hello! This time I decided to change the posts a little, so I set up an interactive adventure in LEGO, like the video in the last post. So, I'll explain how it works: At that time, the blog had 234 views, then we will use these views as points. For example: this image is a scientist observing a meteor shower in a field, but he has gone too far and found an abandoned cave. Then if until the July, 4th the blog had 250 views (points) the scientist will give up and leave the cave. If the blog had 270 views, he will enter in the cave. If the blog had 290 views, he will call a friend and enter the cave with him. That's it. You have three days to indicate the blog to your friends, if you want the adventure to continue. Enjoy!
helloguys! This time Imade noLEGOcreation,butI'll giveyouarecommendation: visittheMlCHAELHlCKOXFilms' video channel visitat:http://www.youtube.com/user/MlCHAELHlCKOXFilms
Hello! Asyou can see,I didn't makethe cardinal sinof pride,for two reasons: 1-because Ido not thinkthat pride isadeadly sin, 2-because I wasout of ideasfor thesamepride. thenI putthe image ofworkersbuildingaroad.Thereis notmuch, butI'mbusy today, so I'lljustpostit.Enjoy!
hello again! this timeI didthe sin ofsloth.In this image,aman tath istoo lazy topick up the chickenon the table, thenasks hiswife topick him up.Sothat's it,enjoy!